Since this is my first story out, I was so very nervous about the reviews. I've gotten some pretty encouraging feedback, which is inspiring me to write Ensyang's story. Hopefully I'll have that out this year.
In the meantime, take a bite out of the blog features for Finding Mr. Write from the following lovely authors. Thank you, ladies, for taking the time to read and review my short story :)
- Review: Rose from Esoradiam
- Review: Amir from The Not-So-Literary-Heiresses
- Review: Kat from Saberkite
- Cover Reveal: Dia from Book Junkie Joint Tours
- Excerpt Reveal: Kesh from Sparksfire
- Q&A: Mina V. Esguerra from Publishing in Pajamas
If there are others who want to read, and review, my short story, please let me know. Also, due to its 'steamy' content, this book is recommended readers 18 years old and above.
And since I had some free time earlier today, I was able to sit down and write a couple of pages for Ensyang's story! You don't know how excited I am to write about her. I initially started writing about Beatrice, but Ensyang was asserting her right to be second (lol). Plus, Beatrice is happily married, and I don't really want to mess that up, because despite my heartaches, I still believe in love ever afters and forever marriages. Heh.
Say hello! :)